
Veolias mormorsruta

Veolias mormorsruta

Förkortningar i den ordning de dyker upp i mönstret:
lm - luftmaska
dst - dubbelstolpe
lmb - luftmaskbåge
sm - smygmaska
fm - fast maska
tst - trippelstolpe
Varv 1: 5 lm, slutes till en ring.
Varv 2: 20 dst i ringen
Varv 3: 6 lm i en lmb över 5 dst, fäst m sm. Blir 4 lmb.
Varv 4: 12 fm i varje lmb, 1 sm i föregående varvs sm.
Varv 5: 6 sm längs de första 6 fm i första lmb. Sedan 6 lm, 1 dst i föregående varvs sm, 6 lm osv.
Varv 6: 8 fm i varje lmb.
Varv 7: 4 sm i de första 4 fm från föregående varv. Sedan 6 lm - 1 tst - 6 lm - 1 sm i den 4:e fm i andra lmb från föregående varv - 6 lm - 1 tst osv -varvet runt.
Varv 8: 12 dst i varje lmb, 1 dst i varje sm och 3 i varje tst (kommer att bli hörnen).

In English:
Round 1: 5 chains into a circle.
Round 2: 20 double crochet in the ring.
Round 3: 6 chains as a chain arc over 5 double crochets, attach in the round below with a slip stitch, all the way around, makes 4 chain arcs.
Round 4: 12 single crochets in every chain arc, 1 slip stitch in the slip stitch of the round below.
Round 5: 6 slip stitches in the first 6 single crochets. Then 6 chains, 1 triple crochet in the slip  stitch of he round below, 6 chains etc all the way around.
Round 6: 8 single crochets in every chain arc.
Round 7: 4 slip stitches in the first single crochets from the round below. Then 6 chains, 1 triple crochet with an extra turn (=quadrupel crochet?) - 6 chain - 1 slip stitch in the fourth single crochet of the second chain arc of the round below - 6 chains - 1 quadrupel crochet - etc - all the way around.
Round 8: 12 triple crochet in every chain arc, 1 trpile crochet in every slip stitch and 3 triple crochet in every quadrupel crochet (will become the corners).

In my Crochet from Swedish to English -Dictionary - a triple crochet is when you turn the yarn twice around the hook, get the yarn and pull through 2 of the loops etc. A quadrupel crochet - made the name up myself, as I couldn´t find it anywhere, you turn the yarn 3 times around the yarn, get the yarn and pull through 2 of the loops, repeatuntil there is just one stitch left on the hook. Ask me again if you don´t understand! Somewhere the triple crochet was called double treble crochet and the one I call quadrupel crochet is called triple treble crochet, if that is of any help.

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